As Incognigo Montoya said, "You have the right to remain silent."
Once you open your mouth you betray yourself.
Here's some crazy advice. You are young and you CAN do this, but it won't be easy. How tough are you?
You need to put geographical distance between yourself and your family and circle of former friends; you need to split!
That's what I did in the mid-late-1970s. I took a job on the opposite side of the country. It made fading SO MUCH easier, because no one in my new area knew - or cared - who I was. But maybe you think you don't have a job prospect. But you might...
You could move across the country to an area that you like that has a large military base and you can enlist in the military! If you're really smart you can try to get into a high-tech military field, if you are good with tools you can get into a maintenance job, if none of those turn you on you can become a cook.
The military will provide you with food, housing, clothing, education, exercise, etc, etc, etc. You just have to have an adult attitude about fulfilling your commitment.
People sometimes jump when I suggest this. They think they are going to have to become Rambo or a Dark Operator in a jungle somewhere. Some guys will, but YOU don't have to, unless you WANT to! You could see about getting into the Space Force. After your service you will have continuing benefits...
Give it a thought... you can DISAPPEAR and live happily ever after!